BlakCast is Australia’s first podcasting network that is owned and led by First Nations people. Our podcasts are conceived of, developed by, and proudly platform First Nations, black and people of colour. We hold space for the celebration of Indigenous knowledge and diverse perspectives.
BlakCast tells stories for all Australians, building community and sharing culture on our journey to a stronger, more inclusive future. We aspire to bridge the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia through empathy, connection, and meaningful conversations.
We invite you to walk with us.
What we stand for
Our mission is to strengthen the cultural identity of Australia. Grounded in the values of the world’s oldest living continuous culture, we unapologetically champion diverse voices and perspectives.
By sharing stories, news, and ideas, we seek to embed cultural knowledge and respect in everything we do.
Our core values
Cultural Integrity

In 2023, together with Australia’s #1 Podcast Network, iHeart, we unveiled BlakCast.
The launch presented an exciting opportunity for First Nations shows, creating a network of our best podcasts for all Australians to enjoy. Our aim is to unify and celebrate First Nations excellence, working together to increase reach and revenue.
iHeart Black Creators
ARN’s iHeart team are committed to diversity in voices – from investing in new talent to partnering with veteran megastars, all with the goal of developing content that speaks to and represents our listeners.
In the US, iHeart successfully launched the Black Effect Podcast Network and have now expanded to Australia.
iHeart first engaged with Black Magic Woman, and through this success, sought to expand the partnership to help launch BlakCast, Australia’s only Indigenous podcast network – efforts which reflects iHearts ongoing commitment to reconciliation.

Our team

Mundanara Bayles
Hailing from a family of Indigenous media pioneers, BlakCast is the brainchild of Mundanara Bayles, proud Aboriginal woman and award winning businesswoman and entrepreneur, cultural capability specialist, educator, speaker, academic, and host of the Black Magic Woman podcast.

Clint Curtis

Jamila Rizvi
Network Advisor