Nartarsha Napanagka Bamblett – Cultural Connections

Episode 2

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Hosted by
Caroline Kell

Caroline Kell is a proud Mbarbrum women who was born and raised on Kulin Lands. She is the Founder and Managing Director of Blak Wattle Coaching and Consulting. Caroline is a Former Counsellor and Executive Director who is deeply passionate about the social emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

In this episode, Caroline has an insightful discussion with Nartarsha Napanagka Bamblett. They talk about stereotypes placed on Indigenous women, and the importance of understanding your own values.  They also unpack courage and the ‘extra’ self-love needed to heal as Indigenous women and communities, in Australia, in 2021.

Nartarsha is a Yorta Yorta, Kurnai, Wiradjuri & Warlpiri woman. She provides many acts of service to Indigenous Communities across Victoria. She is a mother, a multi-business owner, a performer, a storyteller and a creator. But more than that, she is deeply passionate about changing the narrative.

Nartarsha is bringing people together to unite with her latest venture ‘Miss Soul Inspires’ – a culturally led learning immersive event on how to become an effective ally.

*Her event Beyond the Gap is selling tickets now. Check out @nartarshabamblett to find out how to be apart of the conversation, now and into the future*

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