Sasha Sarago

Episode 128

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Host Mundanara Bayles is guided by Aboriginal Terms of Reference which is the accumulated knowledge that Aboriginal people developed over the tens of thousands of years of living in this land, now known as Australia.

Relationships are at the core of Aboriginal Culture and Society and in our whole history of living in this country we never invaded our neighbours.

An Aboriginal Terms of Reference introduction is based on “Who you are and not what you do”, this way of introduction has been practiced by Aboriginal people since the first sunrise. From an Aboriginal perspective this way of introduction reinforces our humaness, we are much more than our job titles.

Sasha Kutabah Sarago is a proud Wadjanbarra Yidinji, Jirrbal and African-American woman.

A former model, Sasha, grew frustrated by the invisibility of multicultural women in fashion and media. In 2011, she founded Ascension — Australia’s first digital lifestyle platform for women of colour. As a speaker, Sasha raises awareness around culture, diversity and equity in the business, media and lifestyle sectors.

Sasha’s TEDx talk The (de)colonising of beauty was selected as 2021 Editor’s Choice (garnering 1.6 million views). Along with the newly released of her debut memoir Gigorou: It’s time to reclaim beauty. First Nations wisdom and womanhood. Sasha is passionate about sparking conversations around femininity from a First Nations woman’s perspective.

Appearing on NITV Awaken Black is Beautiful, SBS Insight Growing Up Mixed Race, and the ABC’s The School That Tried To End Racism. Sasha has featured in BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, 10 Daily, Sydney Morning Herald, Frankie and Fashion Journal Magazines. With articles published in The Guardian and SBS Voices. Sasha has also written and directed documentaries Too Pretty To Be Aboriginal and InsideOUT, which premiered at the Melbourne Women’s Film Festival 2020.

Recommendations throughout this episode:


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The Black Magic Woman Podcast is hosted by Mundanara Bayles and is an uplifting conversational style program featuring mainly Aboriginal guests and explores issues of importance to Aboriginal people and communities.  Mundanara is guided by Aboriginal Terms of Reference and focusses more on who people are rather than on what they do.

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Black Magic WomanEpisode 128