The Power of Mentoring with Simone Allan, CoFounder of The Mentor Evolution

Episode 38

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Hosted by
Kylee Stone

A descendant of the Wakka Wakka and Kulluli First Nations People, Kylee is a consummate storyteller embracing indigenous wisdom to transform the way we think, listen, live and lead.

Her mission is to unlock the hidden potential of emerging leaders with the transformative power of deep listening. Ignite your passion. Grow your influence. Amplify the impact you have in the world.

Life as we know it is under threat – it’s volatile, ambiguous and uncertain. Despite billions spent on the economy, people everywhere – colleagues, family, friends – are feeling misplaced. While 85% of people are unhappy at work, surprisingly people are 85% more engaged if they feel someone within the organisation has their back!

If ever there was a time to invest in a mentor, or be mentored, that time is now!

Mentoring is a powerful way to connect, learn and grow. Whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, executive, emerging leader, parent or student, mentoring is a direct access to developing leadership capability, unlocking potential, enhancing loyalty and driving innovation and performance.

You don’t need to take my word for it, check out the statistics.

71% of Fortune 500 companies invest in mentoring to promote learning, reduce employee turnover and develop, grow and retain skills and expertise within the organisation.

Productivity and innovation increases by 88% when mentoring and training are made together vs 24% with training alone.

60% of young future leaders listed mentoring as a priority when considering their next employer.

Effective mentoring boosts retention rates by 69% for mentors and 72% for mentees.

Join me on today’s episode of The Uncharted Leader as I talk with Simone Allan, CoFounder & CEO of The Mentor Evolution about the power of mentoring, the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who have our back, the ground-breaking work she is doing in providing organisations with the technology to make more meaningful connections and launching the Women’s Resilience Centre, a place of hope, healing and recovery for women who have experienced domestic abuse and trauma.

Simon’s passionate about connecting trusted talent with speed to build businesses. She started her own business, Mondo, an Executive Search Consultancy, 21 years ago, has placed 2800 people into leadership roles and is the longest standing female member of the Sydney Chapter of Entrepreneurs Organization.

“A leader is someone who walks by your side” – Simone

Ignite Your Passion and Amplify the Impact You Have in the World. Call Kylee on +61-434-079-807, book a call online, check out The Performance Code for breakthrough programs that transform the mindset, motivation and marketing of today’s “uncharted” leaders and follow Kylee, The Uncharted Leader on Instagram.

Proudly supported by TrinityP3 Global Marketing Management Consultants.

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The Uncharted LeaderEpisode 38