Turning Great Ideas into Incredible Outcomes with Julia Steel

Episode 47

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Hosted by
Kylee Stone

A descendant of the Wakka Wakka and Kulluli First Nations People, Kylee is a consummate storyteller embracing indigenous wisdom to transform the way we think, listen, live and lead.

Her mission is to unlock the hidden potential of emerging leaders with the transformative power of deep listening. Ignite your passion. Grow your influence. Amplify the impact you have in the world.

What makes one idea succeed and another fail? Is it because one idea is better than another or that the person who had it is trusted and able to influence the outcomes needed for success?

After 20 years of leading transformation in organisations such as Telstra, Qantas, and AXA, Julia Steel is known for expertise in helping leaders turn great ideas into incredible outcomes.   In March 2020, three days after having an idea to hold a global online speaker conference, Julia launched VID19, one of the first online speaker conferences to be held during COVID with 172 speakers, 15,000 attendees across 32 countries.

She is an award-winning business and personal transformation speaker, coach, trainer and author of two books Buy-in: How to Lead Change, Build Commitment and Inspire People and Unite, which includes 13 messages of hope and action from the VID19 Conference in 2020.

Connect with Julia on LinkedIn and find out more about her work at Julia Steel.com.

Want to Amplify the Impact You Have in the World?

Call Kylee on +61-434-079-807, book a call online, check out The Performance Code for breakthrough programs that transform the mindset, motivation and marketing of today’s “uncharted” leaders and follow Kylee, The Uncharted Leaderon Instagram.

Proudly supported by TrinityP3 Global Marketing Management Consultants.

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The Uncharted LeaderEpisode 47