Unlikely Allies

Episode 4

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It’s time to meet our final two storytellers, Mark Mariano and Naeun Kim. This week they go head-to-head on the theme Unlikely Allies.

Mark grew up as a member of the Mormon church. But in his early teen years he left it all behind – because he felt that his sexuality and his spirituality could not co-exist. In this story, he explores that divide, and whether it needs to be there.

And Naeun investigates the name “Karen”, which has become synonymous with a demanding, entitled white woman with a compulsive tendency to ask for the manager. But perhaps there is an inner Karen in all of us, and how do we use it for good?

Find and Tell is the search for the next generation of Australian storytellers. Each episode, join host Jamila Rizvi and the best up and coming storytellers the country has to offer. 

Follow along each Wednesday to find out who will be crowned the Find And Tell champion and take home the grand prize.

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Find and TellEpisode 4